It can be as simple as lying for the person or covering for them. When you love an addict, you may constantly feel that you’re on edge, or worried when that dreaded phone call is going to come. The experience of loving an addict can be slightly different for everyone, but there are some general commonalities that most people say they experience.
Signs of Specific Addictions
- It becomes particularly difficult when you’re trying to learn how to avoid enabling an addict when you love them or are in love with them.
- You’ll also explain what will happen if they refuse to get treatment.
- It’s important to note that many addicts are attracted to people with codependency issues or who are also addicts.
Even more challenging is knowing how to continue showing them love while putting up necessary boundaries. Here we’ll offer some guidance on navigating those difficult conversations about addiction and how to detach with love to take a step back and let your loved one take control of their own healing journey. Support groups are a great option for people who care about someone addicted to drugs or alcohol.
How to Talk to Your Loved One About Their Addiction
When a person is lost to addiction, they may still be very much physically present in your life, but the person you knew before the addiction began seems lost to you forever. You may come to a point in your life where you have to let go of an addict you love. This is often after they’ve refused treatment, or continued to use drugs despite your attempts to create boundaries and consequences.
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Over time, the brain changes and adapts as it becomes dependent on the substance being used. Even though the addict has undoubtedly contributed his or her share of the trouble, in some way you also have a part to play in what is going on. For example, you might be keeping the “drama” going by lending money to your addicted loved one. Or perhaps you are always willing to be there to listen when they loving an addict tell you all about the problems they are encountering as consequences of their addictive behaviors. There are effective ways to deal with the addicted person in your life, just as there are ways that are not only ineffective but can also be dangerous. Learning to distinguish between them can save you a lot of time and can also produce much healthier results for you and your addicted loved one.
Treatment and recovery
For example, many people are medically treated with opioid painkillers for a period of time and easily discontinue medication when pain remits. Likewise, alcohol is consumed widely around the world with meals and in social situations without resulting in addiction. While the best-known signs of addiction may be physical changes in a person—weight loss to the point of emaciation, the red face of problem drinkers—those occur late in the course of substance use.